Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Garden, Again

I haven't been posting much here lately! Sometimes it seems like just getting through the day takes all the energy I can muster, especially this time of year, when it seems like plans and projects are at every turn. Getting ready for winter, finishing off the garden and yard chores, thinking forward to the holidays, putting away summer things, and on it goes.

I haven't quite finished with the garden yet. I keep thinking I should just tear up the plants, shovel under what I can and be done with it, but it just won't stop and I can't bring myself to destroy plants that are still producing. I found two ripe tomatoes today and the beans that I let dry are blooming again. They're not supposed to do that; they're supposed to die once they've brought seed (dried beans) to maturity. And the lentils I didn't get harvested in time are growing new plants.

And then, there are those radishes. That's a five inch retaining wall in the foreground.

And here's a very poor version, with a coffee cup... I don't know why I didn't think to put the cup with the other pictures, but I ran out of time to experiment by the time I thought of it.

I don't think I'll get any seed from them because as they bloom, a seed pod starts forming, then disappears. It could be insects or birds or squirrels, or it could be the weather, the soil or the plant itself. I should just dig them up, but...


  1. That's one heck of a radish!!

  2. Yeah, it is. :) This is the second year this has happened... it's been growing since last spring but wouldn't go to seed.
